Our Achievements Right Now

Written by: Ayoub – CorpsAfrica/Maroc Volunteer
Date: February 20, 2015

The first time, I put my feet in the High Atlas Mountains, I heard about their misbehaviors. “Ayoub, stay away from the kids, they are thieves, rebellious, and lunatics” the other village said it angrily and seriously. One of the folks was so irritated, when I told him “the children are very polite, and we have spent wonderful moments together,” he yelled at me and told me, they just Untitledpretended that they had a good mannered. He told me a story about a kid who tricked him, when I heard it, my tummy ached me from laughing, he said “one day, I was working in my farm next to your valley, and a kid came to me carried a tea pot, small bottle of water, and bread in the tray. I thought he is so generous, I thanked him, and then he left swiftly. After hard working, I decided to take the rest and ate the boy meal, I started drinking tea first, while I was taking a bite from the bread, I found it tasted weird, I opened it and I found that there was a small dead mouse inside it!” He was bitterly upset when he talked, I grinned widely and laughed “I have not recognized his face well, but when I catch him, he is going to spend real nightmares with me” he said.

When I meet them, I find that they are so smart, they are the only village who can speak Moroccan dialect Arabic well in the High Atlas Mountains. Not only this, but also they are so courageous, most of time they do their father jobs. Maybe the reason why they are mischief makers is that they have nothing to do in their free time. They need just their time to be fulfilled, I have passed three months with them and trying to change a little bit their habits, so far their behavior has changed to better and the most important thing is I receive so many thanks from their parents.

Untitled1I have started revising with them their courses, thus two kids have got the first mark in the school, and mostly have an average mark. Not only this, when I teach them English, they really adore it. They are able to understand it a little bit now. The picture you see is Hassan, he is the first one who gets the first mark in the school; plus he is so interested in learning English. In addition, so many activities have done in this period, we still practicing soccer, boxing, doing energizers, theater, music and we add so many things, such dental workshops. On the top of that, the children are able to make decorations from old magazines and newspaper, as you can see the picture above.Untitled3
